Contenidos relevantes

Trend sustainability
Trend originality
Trend italian designed, american made, maximum flexibility.
Trend trascenda:
Trend from designs
Trend to materials
Trend the smoothness to be shaped
Trend a category of products with
Trend to match your dreams.
Trend the strength to last forever and
Trend what we need
Trend comparisons charts
Trend technical characteristics
Trend comparison chart
Trend special processing
Trend projects around the world
Trend embodies
Trend beauty in all its forms. from the innovative process to the natural aesthetics of the materials, it’s a statement of sophistication and style in every slab.
Trend with its variety of colors, textures and sizes, to its benefits such as excellent resistance, durability and malleability, versatile is truly the best way to define trend origina
Trend up to 72% post consumer recycled content
Trend to designs,
Trend from thoughts