Pinaxo is the website dedicated to professionals to consult PDF price lists of manufacturing companies.

Pinaxo lets instantly access product's informations, reducing errors and making things simplier and faster.

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Istantly, the document you need wherever you are



Price lists and catalogues of over 750 companies at you disposal



All the documents you need always archived and updated



Search simultaneously into all the PDFs of a given brand



Access to the whole set of documents and informations for the entire workgroup



Quickly build professional and customized product proposals


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  • Search functions

  • Composing product selections

  • Uploading a PDF to Pinaxo

Some of our customers

Impianti idrotermosanitari di Innerhofer SpA
Abbattista | Termoidraulica e design, le migliori soluzioni nel campo della climatizzazione, dei prodotti termoidraulici e dell’arredamento. | Abbattista
Bertani - Termosanitari, pannelli solari, arredobagno, arredamento, cucine
SPAZIO S.p.A. | Arredo bagno | Sanitari | Pavimenti | Condizionamento | Riscaldamento
GiulioTanini TaniniHome
Acquatica Group | Acquatica Spa | Idrotermosanitari
Gruppo Intesa
Gruppo Delfino
Zanutta - Arredobagno, Cartongesso, Edilizia, Cucine, Idraulica, Solai - Zanutta
Rossi&Lersa Prodotti idrotermosanitari
CVB | Commerciale Veneta Beltrame | É l'ora di fare il bagno | Termoidraulica e Arredobagno
Ciicai arredo bagno - Bologna Ferrara Imola Faenza
Gruppo Arcobaleno | La Forza degli Installatori
Fardelli Ernesto&C - Rendiamo la vostra casa unica
Agenzia Sogecom
Agenzia Opi Srl
Wellness Rappresentanze

DOMUSPARTES is the platform that makes available the data, information and digital assets of millions of products in the installation sector.


The DOMUSPARTES and Pinaxo platforms are integrated

The price lists on Pinaxo are indexed to access, with a click on the item code, the product sheet in DOMUSPARTES

Vice versa, from a DOMUSPARTES product sheet you can access the PDF price list and the page where the product is present.