QR Codes detection

Pinaxo is now able to detect QR Codes inside price lists pages 😎: a simple click brings you to the linked resource.

Read the details in this short post (1 min. reading)…

QR Codes detections

Several producers have started placing QR Codes inside their price lists, just like this one:

QR are present in both printed and digital PDF price lists, normally placed above sections that describe a product’S specifications.

A code can be acquired (for example) with a smartphone, pointing at it with the phone’s camera: as the scan is done (istantly), access is given to the linked resource, in our context usually to the technical sheet of the product or to additional resources (videos, instructions, etc…)

Below you can see a sample page with QR Codes.

Just clicking with the mouse pointer over the QR code


…a new browser’s window or panel opens with the web page linked by the QR:


We are confident this new feature can further simplify your work and let you save time.

Pinaxo features the




PDF Reader with QR Codes detection embedded! 💪



Do you want to know which price lists, as of today, contain QR codes ?

Visit the page List of price lists and catalogues with QR Codes



Thanks to Hansa Italiana S.r.l. for the contents here reproduced 🙏